Something doesn't quite make sense. I've been scratching my head trying to comprehend these two scenarios - a married woman in an on-going affair with a married man is trying to convince meat-eaters into becoming vegetarians; and a married woman who proudly and frequently loudly proclaims herself to be downright religiously faithful and who attends every mass her church ever holds is adulterous. Ironic? No? Hypocrites? No? Does one minus one equal zero? Yes?
I may not have chosen to embrace Christianity but I do know that the seventh of the Ten Commandments reads "Thou shalt not commit adultery". Similarly, in Buddhism - which I have embraced not too long ago - one of the five fundamental precepts of the Buddhist moral code forbids adultery. It is believed that the adulterer's soul would be fried in oil in the 5th level of hell, also known as the Chambers of Oil Cauldrons.
Seriously, I don't see how becoming a vegetarian could make the adulteress more compassionate as compared to the hurt she will be inflicting on the respective spouses should the infidelity surfaces one black unlucky day. I don't see how refraining from meat could make her less sinful than engaging in an amorous extra marital affair that she's presently involved in, covered with lies upon lies. Does she really think she will be forgiven without repent? Is meat-eating more sinful than a heart gone astray? What happened to her wedding vows? "..... to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."
Don't give me that God-hates-sins-but-loves-the-sinner and the to-err-is-human-to-forgive-is-divine preach. It's just the lamest excuse suited to an adulterer to commit adultery without feeling remorseful. Nothing comes close to being more despicable than a two-faced two-timing scumbag who is trying to be angelic with a phony halo above his/her head while at the same time being Lucifer's closest comrade. C'mon! Do you seriously think we would fall for that?
Before these hypocrites go on a quest to save the animals or to change the world or go all holy moly on others, perhaps they should take a look at themselves in the mirror and change their philandering ways before trying to change others.
Religions do not forbid meat-eating. Religions forbid adultery! Get that in your head, you cheaters!